
DaCapo is a standalone software for generating design/performance curves for different configurations of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) treatment systems. Its primary simulation engine is an interface with the well-known MUSIC model1, a tool widely used in the Australian urban water industry to assess the compliance of different WSUD schemes to stormwater management standards2-3.
DaCapo’s interface (Fig. 1) walks users through the traditional parameter sets encountered in the MUSIC model with some simplifications that enable easier configuration of treatment systems. Users are able to load their own climate data in .mlb or ASCII format and can set a range of system sizes, storage capacities, filter properties for MUSIC to simulate.
Fig. 1 – DaCapo User Interface
DaCapo uses an automation algorithm to set up multiple MUSIC models. It then processes the treatment train performance data obtained through MUSIC simulations to generate design or performance curves for the various treatment system configurations. These curves are similar to those found in various WSUD design guidelines such as Melbourne Water’s WSUD Engineering Procedures4.
Fig. 2 – DaCapo Results Viewer
Design curves can be exported for further analysis or use in other modelling tools such as UrbanBEATS5. Users can also this information to investigate the impact of different climate or design parameters on the sensitivity of the design to assess system robustness.
Development Team
Peter M. Bach
Cintia B. S. Dotto
Kefeng Zhang
Software Details:
- Status: under development
- License: currently unlicensed
- Coding Language: Python 2.7
- Further Information: NA
- EWATER 2011. MUSIC by eWater, User Manual. Catchment Modelling Toolkit. Melbourne, Australia: eWater.
- VICTORIAN STORMWATER COMMITTEE 1999. Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines (BPEMG). CSIRO Publishing.
- DPCD 2006. Planning Scheme of Victoria. Victorian Planning Provisions. Melbourne, Victoria: Department of Planning and Community Development.
- MELBOURNE WATER 2005. Water Sensitive Urban Design Engineering Procedures: Stormwater Melbourne, Australia, CSIRO.
- BACH, P. M. 2015. UrbanBEATS – An exploratory model for strategic planning of urban water infrastructure [Online]. Melbourne. Available: www.urbanbeatsmodel.com